Happy Fabulous Friday everyone. I hope you’ve all had a
great week. So what makes today fabulous – messages out of the blue, achieving
your dreams and conquering mountains.
Messages out of the blue – This week, I received this great
card from a friend in America. I love this picture because this is just how I
feel sometimes – like I’m hanging on by
a bare thread. In it, she said “Hold on tight to the things that keep you grounded
and eventually your feet will be flat on the ground safely and peacefully
again.” I received that message just when I needed it most.
This is the sight that greeted me this morning at the top.
It’s a football field with the end goal post. I thought about the goal post and
how it represented reaching my goal. And I thought it was a great lesson to
apply to anything in life – when we have something we want to achieve we need
to start small.
The interesting thing about this friend is we’ve never met.
I’ve never seen her and never spoken to her. She found my blog, shared her blog
with me and we’ve developed a friendship over the past few months. While a bond
was formed over a common experience, it has grown to so much more than that.
We have deep and meaningful conversations about religion, politics and just universal
matters in general. We educate each other on our different believes, cultures
and lifestyles. It’s truly a special friendship that I cherish.
I’ve actually had a few messages out of the blue in the past
few months. I get the occasion comment on the blog or Facebook page from
someone just wanting to say hi, or wish me luck on my journey or just to tell
me they are thinking of me. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful readers
who have taken me into their hearts. Many of you I will never know, never talk
to and never meet. But I sincerely thankyou for your readership and support. I
can’t tell you how much it means just to get those little random messages. It’s
funny how I always seem to get them when I most need them!
Achieving your dreams – Speaking of messages out of the
blue, I came into work this morning to find and email from the woman I helped
to write an egg
donor advertisement for. I’d only been thinking of her this morning so it
was quite kismet there should have been an email from her. Well, I’m very
pleased to say she has found a donor and a woman who is interested in being a
I was absolutely over the moon for her and so surprised it
had happened so quickly. I must say there is a little bit of me that is
enormously proud that I played a small role in achieving that. But I think of
these women and the sacrifices they are prepared to make to help someone else
achieve their dream.
Sometimes, we can’t achieve our dreams by ourselves.
Sometimes, we need help. We need a support team to provide us with access to
the skills, knowledge and tools that we might not have. I am so glad she has found that and I remain
hopeful that I can find it too if it ends up coming to that.
Actually, a very close friend said to me, “If you ever need
my eggs or my uterus, they’re yours.” I know some people would say this as a
flippant remark but not her. I know she was deadly serious when she said this
because that’s the kind of person she is. She has three beautiful sons so I
wouldn’t hesitate to take her up on her offer!
Conquering mountains – Ok, I use the world mountain for
dramatic effect rather than a truthful statement. When I started cycling a few
months ago, there’s a slight incline (my mountain) that awaits me at the end of
my ride. The first day I did it, I had to get off the bike and push it up the hill. It
was so embarrassing as little 5 year olds were wizzing by me on their bikes.
For a few days, I had to push it up the hill. Then, it got a
little easier and I managed to ride up it. It was still hard – I had to stand
up and pedal and then stop to catch my breath at the top, but I did it. Now, I own that hill. I just ride up it and
not even think about it anymore.

Eventually, it will get a little easier, but only if you
overcome your failures, keep trying and refuse to give up. Then, one day, the hard yards you put in will just be a
memory because you realise you’ve reached your goal. Have a Fabulous Friday!
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