Welcome to another Fabulous Friday! I can’t believe we’re
here again already. What makes today fabulous? – discoveries, progress and
Discoveries – I’ve started reading some infertility blogs
over the past few days and I’ve been amazed at all the different problems so
many couples face in their bid to fall pregnant. I’ve been equally amazed at
the medical marvels that allow many of these problems to be discovered and
solved. While I’m impressed with the events that unfolded for these discoveries
to be made, the blogs have overwhelmed me and filled me with fears and doubts I
didn’t previously have. I’ve decided to take my own advice and step away from
the blogs because they’re doing more harm than good. However, as I face the
journey of discovering my own infertility issue, I am hopeful that so many answers
are available.
Progress – It’s been a week since I finished the antibiotic
cream for my bacteria so I went back to the doctor to get another swab to see
if it’s made any difference. I won’t get the results until Monday, but I’ve noted
a decrease in both the discharge and the cramps. The cause has not been found,
and I’m sure the medication has just masked the symptoms, but progress is progress.
And, for the first time in 7 months, I finally have some relief. That is
something to be celebrated!
We had a birthday morning tea for one of the girls at work
today and my Manager bought Jaffas. They are the kind of thing you see and are
automatically taken back to your childhood. And, they are just really yummy. It
made my day to see the big bowl of Jaffas and I had to step away after
consuming 5 or 6 because I knew I would make myself sick!
It seems weird, but I appreciated the opportunity they
presented to be taken back to a time when life was easier. It bought up happy
and funny memories and provided some anxiety relief. It’s funny how something
so insignificant as a chocolate can
suddenly light up your life. But even better is the fact we have leftovers for
afternoon tea!
I hope you all have a Fabulous Friday and a great weekend. I’m
off to a wedding on a farm tomorrow so it will be interesting to say the least.
I wonder if it would be poor form for me to take my sparkling cowgirl hat with
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