I had my 34 week appointment at the obstetrician today. I've managed to put on 2 kilos in 2 weeks - the most ever. Sticky is starting to show herself!
I'm not too concerned about the weight. I knew it would eventually happen. Mind you, I know I've been eating too many lollies lately, and exercise has plummeted, but I can't say I'm too concerned about it. It is the natural progress of pregnancy and at this point, I'm still on track to only put on the 12 kilos I had planned.
Dr T. was very happy with how things are progressing. Sticky clearly isn't running out of space because in the last 2 weeks she's managed to do a 180 degree turn and her back has now gone from the left to the right side. At this stage, most babies don't have room to stretch their arms, so the fact she can do a total spin around is a good indication that she's got room to spare!
Dr T. is also going to book in the cesar this week. I need to be at the hospital by 6:30am. I'll be admitted, have a shower with special antiseptic soap, gowned up and then go to theatre about 9am. He said "You should have your baby in your arms by 9:30am." That freaked me out a little bit. How very organised and planned! But, I shouldn't be surprised, that's what I do!
On the way home, I stopped off at the baby shop and got my extra bits and bobs including a pram liner. I had to make sure it fit and wanted to see how the baby would fit into it. I used the trusty old Cabbage Patch doll which is slightly bigger than a newborn so this is what I ended up with. I had to laugh! In other news, you may remember that earlier in the year, I was asked to help write an ad for an egg donor. Last night, I received a text saying they had just done a transfer into the surrogate! In Australia, securing an egg donor and surrogate is a very difficult process. You can't advertise and you can't pay someone to do it. You have to find someone who is willing to do it just because they want to. Not only did this couple have to find someone to give them their eggs, they had to find someone to carry the baby. Given the odds of success were so small, I was so overjoyed to hear they had at least reached the first stage. Of course now the wait starts to see if the transfer worked, and then getting through the first trimester, but to me, it seems like the greatest hurdle has already been achieved.
While I was waiting to see Dr T. I was reading a magazine article about a woman who offered to be a surrogate for one of her friends. The gift of a child must be one of the most selfless and enormous gifts you could give someone. I am in true awe of women who can do that and marvel at the love they must have and desire to see others experience the happiness a child can bring. To all the selfless souls out there who have helped someone else realise their dream of having a child, I salute you!
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