Monday 8 September 2014

First Father's Day

Yesterday was my husband's first father's day. Four years ago, he wasn't even sure he wanted to be a Father so how quickly things can change!
I love the fact my husband wasn't sure he wanted to be a Father until he met me. Maybe it was my child-bearing thighs that swayed it for him! But, I hazard a guess he was like me, and just hadn't met the one he wanted to have children with! He was like every single other parent - unsure of his parenting abilities.

Now, he has this little cherub that smiles at him adoringly whenever she catches a glimpse of him. He just has to walk past and her whole face lights up. I'm sure his heart melts whenever he sees it. 

Celebrating his first Father's day was particularly special for both of us. Him, because he is a Father and it brings him more happiness than he knows what to do with! And me, because he finally gets to be a Father. It took us a long time to get there but just as I was excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day, I was excited for him.

We've become a good parenting team him and I. We still figure out the challenges as they set in but I guess we'll be doing that for as long as we live as there will always be new challenges. What I really appreciate now is his support in helping me set up my business and willingness to come in and give me a break in the times I can't get her to sleep. We make an excellent tag team!

So to all the other Fathers out there, I hope your day was just as special. I hope your little cherubs looked up at you with the same adoring smile and you knew just how much you were loved!

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